The Easy Step by Step Blueprint to Launching a Passionate, Fulfilling and Profitable Career (Without the Stress, Confusion or Overwhelm)

Your job WORRY is justified

No career path

There's no career progression or opportunity.

You've been passed over or overlooked for promotion.

Politics and favoritism are keeping you stuck.

You feel used and abused.

Younger, less expensive staff chosen over experience, knowledge and abilities.

No job security

You don't know what the future holds. 

The economy is down and there are budget cuts.

People are being told to work less hours or to accept a pay cut or even worse lose their job due to restructures and downsizing.

You don't feel confident

Training is lacking.

Your company is not investing in people.

Processes and systems aren't working.

This causes frustration and stress.

There's too much work and pressure

You're struggling to keep up.

You have to work longer hours and spend less time with family.

You are bored and unfulfilled

You don't feel like going to work as you have no interest in the work.

Finding it hard to care when you've checked out of the situation.

Not passionate about what you're doing.

You want to bring your spark back.

Want to be challenged, fulfilled and rewarded for your efforts.

You're not appreciated

They're not listening, recognizing or appreciating the work you do.

You don't feel valued.

You want to know that your contribution counts and genuinely makes a difference.

Team not the right fit

The culture is backwards.

Some workers feel entitled.

They can be stubborn and hard to create change with.

You want to work with driven motivated high performers.

You want competent team mates to count on.

You're thinking of starting your own business.

Current role not in demand

There is no continuity or guaranteed work.

You may need to re-tool as the current role doesn't have a future.

You still need to feed yourself and pay the bills.

No work/life balance

You don't want to work 40+ hours a week and not see your family.

You know there is something else

You can feel that there is something else deep down that you can be doing that will give you the income to work less hours and spend more time with family.

It doesn’t have to be this way

It’s possible for you to:

  • Have clarity and confidence moving forward

  • Be inspired and excited by what’s possible

  • Do passionate and meaningful work that makes a difference in the world

  • Start your own business and become financially independent

  • Be challenged, learn, grow and become the best version of yourself

  • Work with like minded people who understand and appreciate you

  • Have work/life balance so you can work less hours and spend more time with family

Would you like to:



Ignite your passion and light up the world.

Make the right career choice, one that’s aligned with who you are.


Sleep Well At Night

Knowing that you are becoming a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.


Be Proud

Look forward to people asking you “So, what do you do for a living?”

So WHY is it so difficult to make a career choice?

Maybe it’s because you think...

“The process is pretty hectic or impossible”

Sometimes it feels like there is just SO MUCH choice involved that you secretly resent whoever created so many roles. You long for the good old days when roles were simple and the choices were limited.

“You might choose something you don’t like.”

That’s understandable if you’re not sure how to go about it...and so stressful!  And then there’s the fact you wasted time, money and energy pursuing the wrong career. Ouch!

“You might not be gainfully employed.”

You’re hoping to make money and you’re terrified there maybe no work in your chosen field. Talk about a letdown!

“People will think you’re dumb for making the wrong career choice.”

You’ll feel embarrassed, be laughed at and made a joke of.

If you’ve tried other courses or books in the past without results, let me guess what happened:

You’ve been run over by overwhelm

I like to take students by the hand one tiny step at a time so they confidently move towards making a decision that’s right for them.

You never got results because most courses or books focus on the outside and not on the inside (which is the key)

I work from the inside out. Starting with who you are and where you fit in this world.

The information presented was confusing

The good news is that I’m able to simplify the most complex information so it’s easy to understand and apply in the real world. I guess that comes from my engineering background.

Or maybe you haven’t tried anything yet because you think you can just wing it

So you will just drift along and probably land in a job you hate, feeling stressed and turning to junk food, alcohol or drugs to ease the pain.

You’ve heard it before

“It’s wise to ask for help, to get a mentor and not go it alone.”

So who am I and why should you listen to me?

About the instructor

Professional Certified Life Coach & Career Coach

Martin Formato

Hi, my name is Martin Formato, and I'm a professional certified life coach, career coach, author and speaker.I specialize in teaching people how to make the right career choice, one that's aligned with who they are.I help people find their greatness.I don't just teach people how to choose a career that's fulfilling and profitable, I also teach them how to do it in an easy, effective and fun way, one simple tiny step at a time.I've taken everything that's stressful, difficult, overwhelming or confusing about choosing a career and made it disappear.So how do I do it?My background is engineering (worked as an engineer for 25 years), so I re-engineered a new way to solve this problem. (That's why you won't find my method anywhere else, unless the baddies copied it!)My mission is to help people make the right career choice, so they don't end up in a job they hate, coming home feeling stressed and turning to junk food, alcohol or drugs to ease their pain.If you want to learn how to make the right career decision and become a confident, independent and unique individual who shines, then this course is for you.I'm passionate about inspiring people to be themselves and to go out and solve the world's problems. This is how we can make this world a better place for all of us.I'm here to help people make their dreams a reality, their passion their life, and their life a legacy.

Now, just to be clear, those are the highlights, I’ve had my share of failures like...

1. When I was so afraid of public speaking that I would sweat like crazy just thinking about it.

2. When I failed my second year at university because I wasn’t focused and didn’t understand the bigger picture.

3. When I ended up in a job I hated and couldn’t figure a way out.

That little voice in my head told me to give up but I hung in there and tried again.

If I can turn things around, then anyone can.

I've learnt a lot over the years and you don't have to make the same mistakes I made.

Your generation is different. You have more options. The biggest difference is the INTERNET.

The internet changes everything and I will explain how in the course.

My focus today is on helping people with their career choices, and the results have been outstanding (see testimonials below).

I’m here to help you make the right career choice, one that’s aligned with who you are.

So here’s a taste of what your life will be like when you start working in your dream career:

1. Your future self: Earning enough money to be comfortable.

2. Your future self: Happy that you are able to support your family and lifestyle.

3. Your future self: Looking forward to waking up to inspiring work.

4. Your future self: Feeling worthy as your work makes a difference in the world.

5. Your future self: Knowing your family and friends are proud of you.

6. Your future self: Continuously learning and growing.

7. Your future self: Being a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.

It’s possible... YES you can make this happen!

You just need the HOW

Introducing the...


Get ready to ignite your passion and light up the world

With 6 easy to follow modules that will teach you everything you need to know to make the right career choice, one that’s aligned with who you are.

This course is designed in small bite size pieces that are easy to digest.

It’s practical, usable, and engaging for a variety of learning styles.

Module 1: Why Are You Here?

Find out once and for all what your mission on this planet is.

Learn what real success is (Hint: It’s not what you think) and its relationship to happiness.

Discover the 3 secret steps to happiness (that only a few know).

Module 2: Why Do You Matter?

Learn why you are a gift to the world and the number 1 thing that gives you power.

Understand what changed from when you were a child and how that’s holding you back.

Module 3: You Can Have It All

Find out what your deepest desires are and what you need to do to get them.

Yes you deserve happiness and can have it all. It’s your duty to pursue it.

Module 4: What's Your Purpose?

Find the 3 keys to finding your purpose.

Learn how your passion is your passport to a rich life.

Discover your superpowers (what makes you so special).

Find out which of the 4 people types you are and how you can use that information in your life.

Choose the niche that’s right for you.

Uncover the one problem you were born to solve.

Module 5: Your Message

Learn how to craft your elevator pitch so you know exactly what to say when someone asks you “So, what do you do for a living?”

Determine your mission in life.

Learn about the power of a message and how to unleash yours.

Your message can change a life and potentially the world.

Module 6: Your Ideal Career

Learn my secret to finding your ideal career.

Learn how to find and connect with your tribe (like minded people) and the benefits of doing so.

Course Curriculum

  • 2


    • Introduction (Video)

    • Introduction (Audio MP3)

  • 3

    Module 1: Why Are You Here?

    • Lesson 1: What's Your Mission? (Video)

    • Lesson 1: What's Your Mission? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 2: What's Success? (Video)

    • Lesson 2: What's Success? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 3: Secret To Happiness (Video)

    • Lesson 3: Secret To Happiness (Audio MP3)

  • 4

    Module 2: Why Do You Matter?

  • 5

    Module 3: You Can Have It All

    • Lesson 1: What Do You Want? (Video)

    • Lesson 1: What Do You Want? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 1: What Do You Want? (PDF)

    • Lesson 2: You Deserve Happiness (Video)

    • Lesson 2: You Deserve Happiness (Audio MP3)

  • 6

    Module 4: What's Your Purpose?

    • Lesson 1: Purpose Formula (Video)

    • Lesson 1: Purpose Formula (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 2: Finding Your Passion (Video)

    • Lesson 2: Finding Your Passion (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 2: Finding Your Passion (PDF)

    • Lesson 3: Discover Your Superpowers (Video)

    • Lesson 3: Discover Your Superpowers (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 3: Discover Your Superpowers (PDF)

    • Lesson 4: Who Are You? (Video)

    • Lesson 4: Who Are You? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 5: Choose Your Niche (Video)

    • Lesson 5: Choose Your Niche (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 5: Choose Your Niche (PDF)

    • Lesson 6: What Problem Do You Solve? (Video)

    • Lesson 6: What Problem Do You Solve? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 6: What Problem Do You Solve? (PDF)

    • Lesson 7: What's Your Purpose? (Video)

    • Lesson 7: What's Your Purpose? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 7: What's Your Purpose? (PDF)

  • 7

    Module 5: Your Message

    • Lesson 1: Your Elevator Pitch (Video)

    • Lesson 1: Your Elevator Pitch (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 1: Your Elevator Pitch (PDF)

    • Lesson 2: What's Your Mission? (Video)

    • Lesson 2: What's Your Mission? (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 2: What's Your Mission? (PDF)

    • Lesson 3: Your Message To The World (Video)

    • Lesson 3: Your Message To The World (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 3: Your Message To The World (PDF)

  • 8

    Module 6: Your Ideal Career

    • Lesson 1: Find Your Career (Video)

    • Lesson 1: Find Your Career (Audio MP3)

    • Lesson 1: Find Your Career (PDF)

    • Lesson 2: Join Your Tribe (Video)

    • Lesson 2: Join Your Tribe (Audio MP3)

  • 9


    • Bonus 1: Passion To Profit Blueprint (PDF)

    • Bonus 2: Opportunity To Earn Money (PDF)

So, how do you put a price on passion, fulfillment and profitability?

Well, you can’t.

After you complete this course you will know exactly who you are and where you want to go.

You will be on your way to becoming a confident, independent and unique individual who shines.

"Yes Martin! I would love to join you in Profitable Career Launcher!"

Your Investment

If I was coaching you one on one it would take 5 sessions at $120 per session. That’s $600.

BUT (I can see my wife shaking her head)... this is what I’m going to do:

I’m going to give you:

LIFETIME Access to the Profitable Career Launcher Course and all content updates (VALUE: $600)

You will also receive a $37 bonus I'll tell you about in just a sec...



One payment of

$637   ONLY $197


It Works Guarantee

If you implement the PCL system and aren't happy with your progress, just let me know within 14 days and I will happily refund you.

Yes, you do need to submit your completed worksheets and show me you did the work because it won't happen without work.

But if you follow the system and aren't happy? I'll refund you.

Click on the button below to take the first step to a passionate, fulfilling and profitable career.


BONUS 1: Passion To Profit Blueprint (Value: $37)

Discover how to take your passion and turn it into a money making machine that works while you sleep.

BONUS 2: Opportunity To Earn Money (Value: $Priceless)

As a graduate of the course you are offered an opportunity to earn money from the course.


One payment of



It Works Guarantee

If you implement the PCL system and aren't happy with your progress, just let me know within 14 days and I will happily refund you.

Yes, you do need to submit your completed worksheets and show me you did the work because it won't happen without work.

But if you follow the system and aren't happy? I'll refund you.

Past clients say:

“I cannot ever thank you enough for the love, help and support you gave me, you came at just the right time. I know you are a busy man but l do hope we can keep in touch. You helped save my life and made it richer.” Lynne, London, United Kingdom

“Martin has a very beautiful energy. Gave very good insight & clarity in helping achieve my goals.” Morning Clouds, NSW, Australia

“You are a great inspiration to many people and a great coach.” Rui Rajiv, Maputo, Mozambique


One payment of



It Works Guarantee

If you implement the PCL system and aren't happy with your progress, just let me know within 14 days and I will happily refund you.

Yes, you do need to submit your completed worksheets and show me you did the work because it won't happen without work.

But if you follow the system and aren't happy? I'll refund you.

“Very nice and compassionate person, generous with his time and easy to speak to. Very nice man.” Beaugosse, California, United States

“Very happy with the new perspective Martin was able to give me with my coaching needs…DEFINITELY a recommended service and MORE than worth the price. Thanks again Martin and we’ll be speaking again soon.” Myles I Dez, London, United Kingdom is Profitable Career Launcher different anyways?

Other Programs...Their focus is 80% EXTERNAL (Environment) and 20% INTERNAL (You)...misalignment #wrongtarget.

Profitable Career Launcher...Welcome to Profitable Career land. Where the focus is 80% INTERNAL (You), on who you are and 20% EXTERNAL (Environment) on where you fit in.

Other Programs...Teach you to find a job (which stands for "Just Over Broke"), where you look forward to Friday (get me the hell out of here) and payday. #hatemyjob #hatemylife

Profitable Career Launcher...Helps you find your passion, purpose and mission, which is bigger than you and leads to a freedom, fulfilment and impact.

Other Programs...Claim to help you find your perfect career but they don’t, are confusing, full of fluff, you end up wasting your time and left feeling frustrated #nothelpful

Profitable Career Launcher...Takes you by the hand and leads you along a clear and logical path to a career made for you. Consists of simple, brief and actionable steps.

Other Programs...Typically give you scattered information (or worse, missing information like no mention of personality and its impact on your career; or no reference to anything online) and leaves you to it. #byebye

Profitable Career Launcher...I’ll be there to answer your questions and to have a private one on one conversation with you (if you like)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

You can start anytime, anywhere, whenever you are ready and you can go through it at your own pace (no rush).

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have unlimited, lifetime access to the course on all devices.

What if I want a refund?

I’m happy to issue you a refund within the first 14 days. You just need to submit your completed worksheets and show me you did the work because you won’t get results without doing the work.

What skills will this course teach me?

Profitable Career Launcher is a course that takes you from having "no idea" to finding the right career for you. Highlights include: learning why you are here, why you matter, what’s your purpose, mission, message, and more!

What equipment/tools will I need to complete the course?

Access to a computer, internet, video player software, acrobat reader software, an email account, and an eager and open mind!

How can I make sure I complete this course?

Ultimately you want freedom and independence. This course will help you achieve this. It will guide and support you in making your own career choice.

What do I do if I need help?

If you need help with something or just have a question, please contact me anytime at [email protected]

So here’s what to do next:

If you’re ready to ignite your passion and light up the world, click on the button below...

There is nothing in this course that will be difficult for you.

All you need to do is listen, answer some questions and do some homework.

One of my objectives is to ensure that you enjoy the course.

At the end of the course you will know exactly what to do with your life (which is aligned with who you are).

Knowing this increases your confidence, happiness and chances of success in life.

I look forward to igniting your passion and being a part of your transformation.

Today YOU have an opportunity to create a better future.

You do deserve the BEST, don't you?

And that you trust, with the help of this course, that you will make the right decision.

With my support the path is going to be smooth, safe and not so scary.

So are you coming on the bus (where it’s warm, safe and supportive) or are you going to walk it alone in the cold and dark (who knows what’s out there and where you’ll end up)?

I hope you join us on the bus!

Kind Regards,

Martin Formato

Professional Certified Life Coach and Career Coach

Email: [email protected]


Let’s do this!

Enrol NOW for just



Click on the button below to take the first step to a passionate, fulfilling and profitable career.

It Works Guarantee

If you implement the PCL system and aren't happy with your progress, just let me know within 14 days and I will happily refund you.

Yes, you do need to submit your completed worksheets and show me you did the work because it won't happen without work.

But if you follow the system and aren't happy? I'll refund you.